
I-Jung Lu, Assistant Professor

(03) 4227151 ext 26506






University of Manchester, Education, PhD

英國曼徹斯特大學教育領域 博士

University of Manchester, Education, MA

英國曼徹斯特大學教育領域 碩士

National Taiwan Normal University Department of Education BA

國立臺灣師範大學教育系 學士


Related Research Experience:


Tunghai University, Graduate Institute of Education, Assistant Professor

東海大學教育研究所 助理教授

Tunghai University, Teacher Training Center, Assistant Professor

東海大學師培中心 助理教授

Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan

高等教育評鑑中心 助理研究員

University of Manchester, Manchester Institute of Education, Teaching Assistant (MA course)






Inclusive Education融合教育

Learning Community/Social Network 學習社群/社群網絡

Higher Education Quality Assurance 高等教育品保

Sociology of Education 教育社會學

Curriculum Design 課程設計




Graduate Institute of Learning and Instruction

  • 書報討論 (Seminar)


Center for Teacher Education

  • 班級經營 (Classroom Management)




Journal Articles & Book Chapters 期刊論文與書籍專章

English 英文(-2024)

  1. Hou, A.Y.C., Lu, I.J.G.(2024) Are Taiwan private universities ready for a tsunami in the era of under-enrolment? Exploring Taiwanese private higher education in typology, regulatory framework, and emerging crisis, Journal of Asian Public Policy, 1-19.
  2. Hou, A.Y.C., I. J. G. Lu, Chen K, Guo C. Y. (2023) ‘Quality Regulation in Higher Education in Asia-Pacific: Roles of Quality Assurance and National Qualification Frameworks’, in Devesh Kapur, David M. Malone, and Lily Kong (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific Region, Oxford Handbooks
  3. Hou, A.Y.C., Lu, I.J.G.(2023) Private higher education in Taiwan: From prosperity to adversity, International Higher Education, 38-39
  4. Hou A.Y.C., Lu, I.J.G., Hill C.(2022) What Has Been the Impact of COVID-19 on Driving Digitalization, Innovation and Crisis Management of Higher Education and Quality Assurance?-A Taiwan Case Study in Alignment with the INQAAHE Virtual Review. High Education Policy. 35(3):568-590.
  5. Noda A, Kim, S., Hou, A.Y.C, Lu, I.J.G., Chou H.C.(2021) The relationships between internal quality assurance and learning outcome assessments: challenges confronting universities in Japan and Taiwan, Quality in Higher Education 27 (1), 59-76
  6. Lu, I.J.G., Hou, Y. C. and Chiang, T. L. (2020) Chapter 13: Equity and Social mobility at universities in Taiwan, from Hou, Y. C., Chan, S. J., Chiang, T. L. (ed.) Higher Education in Taiwan: Global, Political and Social Challenges, London: Springer. ISBN 978-981-15-4553-5
  7. Hou, Y. C., Lu, I. G*., Chou, H. C., Hsu, P. C., and Tang, M. (2019) Promoting Trust through Student Engagement in the Process of Quality Assurance: the Case of Taiwan, INQAAHE 2019 AAC Conference
  8. Lu, I. G. (2018), Book Review: Changing European Academics: a Comparative Study of Social Stratification, Work Patterns and Research Productivity, Higher Education Evaluation and Development, 12(2), pp.118-119.
  9. Lu, I. J. (2015), ‘Help is Just a Click Away! – Social Network Sites, Parents of Children with Special Educational Needs, and Parents’ Support’ The Asian Conference on Technology, Information & Society 2015, pp. 45-60, The International Academic Forum, Kobe, Japan [5 November – 7 November 2015] ISSN: 2189-1028.
  10. Lu, I. J. (2014), ‘Help Is Just A Click Away! — A Pilot Study of Social Network Sites (SNSs) Based Parents’ Support In Taiwan’, Making an impact with research: proceedings of the 7th annual Manchester Metropolitan University postgraduate research conference, pp. 39. Available from: MMU Portal: MMU Digital Library. [10 June 2015]. ISBN: 978-1-910029-07-7.


  1. 呂依蓉(2024)邁向人權導向融合教育:融合文化下的互動關係人與價值觀,臺灣教育評論月刊,13(12),138-143。
  2. 呂依蓉(2022)以符號互動論觀點檢視實習教師教育實習後教師角色定義之轉變。台灣教育研究期刊,3(6),87-112。
  3. 呂依蓉(2022)臺灣高等教育機構社群網站應用之目的與動機-以疫情前後,使用Facebook社群網站平臺為例。教育行政與評鑑學刊,(32),39-78。
  4. 呂依蓉、許品鵑、郭玟杏、唐慧慈(2021)建構台灣高等教育學生學習成效指引之可行性評估:以工程領域學士學位層級為例。高等教育,16,1-20。
  5. 侯永琪、呂依蓉、唐慧慈(2020)從國際觀點初步建構臺灣高等教育資歷架構。臺灣教育評論月刊,9(6),1-10。
  6. 侯永琪、呂依蓉、蔡小婷(2019)外部品質保證與校務研究—以美國WASC評鑑指標四分析加州大學落杉磯分校與戴維斯分校的校務治理。載於楊瑩(主編),各國大學品質保證與校務研究,(22-40頁)。臺北市:師大書苑。
  7. 呂依蓉 (2016)。《薩拉曼卡宣言與特殊需求教育行動綱領》 翻譯:融合教育檢視與反思(一)。特殊教育季刊,138,21-28。
  8. 呂依蓉 (2016)。《薩拉曼卡宣言與特殊需求教育行動綱領》 翻譯:融合教育檢視與反思(二)。特殊教育季刊,139,35-44。
  9. 呂依蓉、郭玟杏(2018)。新加坡國立大學校長陳永財:找出大學的優勢並且留住人才。評鑑雙月刊,74,1-3。
  10. 呂依蓉(2018)。澳洲資歷架構經驗:現況與更新。評鑑雙月刊,75,18-21。
  11. 呂依蓉(2018)。東南亞國協品質保證網絡(AQAN)主席:高等教育品質是經濟發展重要基礎。評鑑雙月刊,76,1-3。
  12. 呂依蓉(2018)。越南高等教育品質保證與高等教育評鑑之發展。評鑑雙月刊,76,14-17。
  13. 林劭仁、呂依蓉(2018)英國高等教育品質保證制度之變革。評鑑雙月刊,78,21-24。
  14. 呂依蓉、唐慧慈(2019)。東南亞國協品質保證及資歷架構之發展現況與區域合作。評鑑雙月刊,77,41-44。
  15. 侯永琪、呂依蓉、唐慧慈(2019a)臺灣資歷架構建置草案:國際人才交流新契機。評鑑雙月刊,81,44-45。
  16. 侯永琪、呂依蓉、唐慧慈(2019b)資歷互認及資歷架構之國際發展與趨勢:臺灣資歷架構之建構與展望。評鑑雙月刊,82,39-43。

Books 專書

Lu, I. J. G. (2019) Help is just a click away: Social Network Sites and Support for Parents of Children with Special Needs. Vernon Press.




Enabling Education Network (EENET) (英國融合教育組織)

  • Member & Translator會員、翻譯

HEEACT International Quality Assurance 高教評鑑中心境外評鑑

  • Quality Assurance Lecture 境外評鑑講員

Higher Education Evaluation and Development

  • Journal Reviewer 審查委員


Asia Pacific Quality Network亞太品質保證網絡

  • Board Member 理事

Tunghai University Office of International Relation, Chinese Language Center 東海國際處、華語中心

  • Deputy Director副國際長, Director 主任

Kings Church Manchester Kids Club, Kids Work,

  • Kids worker and team leader 兒童事工人員、組長

Nankan Senior High School桃園市立南崁高中

  • 英文短期代理教師


  • Mentor and course design教師與課程設計