
詹明峰 副教授

Ming-Fong Jan, Associate Professor

(03) 4227151 ext 33860


PhD, Curriculum & Instruction,
University of Wisconsin-Madison





Mingfong & Green City Blues game board at the Learning Sciences Lab, Singapore


詹明峰博士任職於國立中央大學,在學習與教學研究所暨師資培育中心擔任專任副教授。回國任職之前,他是新加坡南洋理工大學 (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)國立教育學院(National Institute of Education)學習科學研究所(Learning Sciences Lab)的學習科學家,並擔任教育研究中心 (Office of Education Research) 學習科學(Learning Sciences & Pedagogy) 與遊戲學習(Play and Game-based Learning)兩個學門召集人,及新加坡未來學校(Future School)遊戲學習顧問

詹博士在美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison)取得課程與教學(Curriculum & Instruction)博士,副修學習學(the learning sciences),對於設計研究法(design-based research)與質性研究(qualitative research)多有著墨。他師從Kurt Squire, James Paul Gee, David Williamson Shaffer, Richard Halverson, Constance Steinkuehler, Michael Thomas, Michael Streibel 等質性研究、學習學、與遊戲學習先驅,並與哈佛大學學習科技教授Chris Dede 與MIT師資培育中心教授Eric Klopfer 合作設計擴增實境教育遊戲,是國內最早投入遊戲學習研究的學者之一,同時也是威斯康辛大學遊戲學習與社會(Games, Learning and Society) 研究社群的創始成員。

詹博士從社會、文化與認知的角度來探究學習,以學習學(the learning sciences)和設計研究法(design-based research)為主要教育研究工具,來了解如何創新學習與教學的文化,特別是(1)教師作為學習經驗設計師, (2)設計思考與協同問題解決,(3)素養(21st century literacies)導向課程設計與學習評量,(4)教育桌遊與協同論證/探究。



Bio (290 words)

Academic positions
Dr. Mingfong JAN (詹明峰) is an Associate Professor at the Graduate Institute of Learning and Instruction (學習與教學研究所), National Central University, Taiwan. Previously, he was a Research Scientist at the Learning Sciences Lab, National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, where he served as a research convenor in two research areas at the Office of Education Research (OER): Play/Game-based Learning and the Learning Sciences & Pedagogy. He has been a member/researcher of the Games, Learning and Society research group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison since its inauguration in 2005.

Research foci
Dr. Jan graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a PhD degree from Curriculum & Instruction (ranked No. 1 in the US based on US News and World Report).  As a learning scientist, he employs a design-based research approach and sociocultural perspectives to transform teaching and learning cultures, especially through the following research areas: teachers as learning experience designers, design thinking and collaborative problem-solving, learning with games and gamified activities, and 21st century literacies (e.g., argumentation and collaboration). He is a winner and candidate for best paper awards in AECT-ICFER and ICCE conferences.

Dr. Jan is known as an expert in Design Thinking, Teachers’ Professional Development, Curriculum and Instruction, and Learning with Games. He designed many games, game-based curricula, and gamified learning activities to foster student learning and teacher education. His courses are known for engaging students in deep thinking and reflection. Since joining NCU, he has conducted more than 100 talks and workshops for students, parents, teachers, and faculties.

In 2017, he won Teaching Excellence Award at National Central University–the most prestigious teaching award in NCU.

Biography (elaborated)


Dr. Mingfong JAN is an Associate Professor at the Graduate Institute of Learning and Instruction, National Central University, Taiwan.


As a Research Scientist at the Learning Sciences Lab (National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), I led several research projects in game-based learning and new media studies while teaching graduate courses. I served as a research convenor leading research programs in Play/Game-based Learning (2014~2015) and in Learning Sciences and Pedagogy (2013). To enhance the impacts of games on learning, I also served as a consultant in game-based learning for Singapore’s Future Schools and a collaborator with the Educational Technology Division at the Ministry of Education, Singapore.

Madison, Wisconsin (United States)

As a PhD student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Curriculum & Instruction), I played an important role in Handheld Augmented Reality Games for Education initiatives, in which he worked with MIT (Dr. Eric Klopfer of the MIT Scheller Teacher Education Program) and Harvard (Dr. Chris Dede of Graduate School of Education) to develop AR games and curricula, under the supervision of Dr. Kurt Squire. I have designed and co-designed more than 10 AR games, card games, and game-based curricula. 



I received my PhD degree from the Curriculum and Instruction Department (ranked #1 in the US ) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. My PhD minor is the Design of Interactive Learning Environments, which is comprised of major coursework from the Learning Sciences area at the Educational Psychology Department (ranked #1 in the US).

As a graduate researcher, I was supervised (and inspired) by Dr. Kurt Squire and mentored by a group of dedicated educators such as James Paul Gee, David Williamson Shaffer, Constance Steinkuehler, Richard Halverson, Michael Thomas,  Michael Streibel and Gloria Ladson-Billings.

PhD Dissertation

Designing an Augmented Reality Game-Based Curriculum for Argumentation

In collaboration with MIT and Harvard University on designing handheld augmented reality (AR) games for learning, my PhD dissertation pioneers the design of handheld augmented reality games for argumentation skills.


I received my BA in English at Fu-Jen Catholic University (Taiwan) and MA in Western Literature and Languages at Tamkang University (Taiwan).

The love for literature and humanity fuels my inspiration and aspiration for a deeper understanding of human nature and culture through education.



Generally I offer two courses per semester–a graduate course and an undergraduate course (at the Center for Teacher Education).

Course List

學習與教學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Learning and Instruction


設計研究法 (Design-based Research)

高等質性研究 (Qualitative Research Methodology)


學習理論專題研究 (Theories and Perspectives on Learning)

工具與思考 (Tools for Thought)

學習創新設計 (Learning Innovation by Design) – 與衛友賢、許宏儒老師合開


書報討論 (Graduate Seminar) – 與衛友賢、許宏儒老師等合開

中央大學師資培育中心 | Center for Teacher Education

教學原理 (Principles of Instruction)

課程發展與設計 (Curricular Design and Development)

教育哲學 (Educational Philosophy)

通識教育中心 | Center for General Education

教育桌遊設計思維 (Fostering design thinking through the design of educational card games) – 與吳穎沺合開

設計思考 (Design Thinking) – 與吳穎沺老師合開


研究興趣 | Research Interests

Dr Jan employs a design-based research approach and sociocultural/cognitive perspectives to investigate how the concept of play and games can be leveraged for learning in formal and informal learning contexts. He is particularly interested in how learning and teaching cultures can be redesigned for the development of 21st century competencies.

Learning with games and gamified activities|遊戲式學習

  • Card games for 21st century literacies
  • Gamified learning activities
  • Collaborative dialogic argumentation games

Teachers as Designers (TAD) | 教師設計能力探究

  • Teachers as learning experience designers
  • Game-based pedagogy

Design Thinking  | 設計思考

  • Collaborative problem-solving
  • Divergent/convergent thinking
  • Design thinking education

Research Themes |學術專長

Design-based research | Qualitative research | Learning with games | Design Thinking| Curriculum and instruction | The learning sciencesTeachers as DesignersClassroom Discourse Dialogic Argumentation Collaborative problem-solving


Key Words for research|學術專長關鍵字

learning by design, research paradigm shift, play and games, narrative inquiry, perspective education, historical thinking, intelligent novice, collaborative problem-solving, dialogic argumentation, questioning, the medium is the message, affordances, tools for thought, location-sensitive augmented reality games, place-based education, qualitative research, role-playing, nature of interaction, deep thinking, teachers as designers, educational reform, etc.

Featured Articles

Learning Sciences | 學習科學

From Ann Brown to Deanna Kuhn: a tale of two research perspectives on learning

Unpacking the Design Process in Design-based Research

Office of Education Working Paper Series No.1: The Learning Sciences (Singapore) 

數位環境之下團體互動學習分析:質性研究取徑 (in press)

Game-based Learning | 遊戲學習與新媒體

What is Game-based Learning: Past, Present and Future

Mad City Mystery: Developing Scientific Argumentation Skills with a Place-based Augmented Reality Game on Handheld Computers

Issues and Challenges of Enacting Game-based Learning in Schools


Designing Social Media for Learning in Schools: A Lesson about Designed Affordance and Perceived Affordance (in press)

21st Century Education | 21世紀學習

Games for 21st Century Learning

(Editorial) Learning in and for the 21st Century (Speaker: John Seely Brown; Writing & Editorial Team: Mingfong Jan et al.)

Publication list download


 To Schools


Workshop Presenter/Organizer – 新北市主動學習工作坊 : 深坑國中、達觀國中、大豐國小、五峰國中、文山國中 (透過互動遊戲親身體驗協助家長了解(新)課綱「素養導向學習」的內涵)

Invited Speaker – 當桌遊遇到數位化學習 – 史地跨學科的對話 (桃園市史地教師社群@陽明高中)


Workshop Designer – 遊戲學習的典範轉移 (第5527期國教輔導團藝術與人文課程輔導員初階培育班)


新加坡教育部 未來學校 計畫 | 遊戲學習顧問 (Consultant)

新加坡教育部 科技發展司 | 遊戲學習合作者 (Collaborator)

To Research Communities


Invited Speaker – 遊戲學習研究:現在、過去與未來 (創新遊戲與設計研習會議 |成功大學)


Executive Chair of Theme-Based Sub-Conferences: C5 Digital Game and Digital Toy Enhanced Learning (ICCE 2016 C5 子會議主席)

Executive Chair of Theme-based Sub-conference: C3 Joyful Learning and Society (GCCCE 2016 C3 子會議主席)

Invited Speaker – 教育研究的跨國觀點:新加坡經驗分享 (台灣國家教育研究院)

Invited Speaker – 擴增虛擬實境 (Augmented Reality) 的教育應用 (國立成功大學教育研究所)


Invited Speaker at the 2015 International Conference on Education Research – Designing Games for 21st Century Competencies)  (2015 韓國首爾國立大學ICER國際會議|專題講者)

Invited Speaker – 數位遊戲領域研究的跨國觀點 (科技部悅趣化學習與社會SIG)

Co-Chair of Theme-Based Sub-Conferences: C5 Digital Game and Digital Toy Enhanced Learning (ICCE 2015)

Co-Chair of Theme-based Sub-conference: C3 Joyful Learning and Society (GCCCE 2015)


Research ConvenorPlay/Game-based Learning Research Program at the Office of Education Research(OER), National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (新加坡南洋理工大學 國立教育學院)

Co-Chair of Theme-based Sub-conference: C3 Joyful Learning and Society (GCCCE 2014)


Research Convenor Learning Sciences and Pedagogy Research Program at the Office of Education Research(OER), National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (新加坡南洋理工大學 國立教育學院)